I know my experiences were not in vain. By truly identifying with my clients on a deeper level rapport is generated and maintained in a natural way; a way that cannot be learned from books. Trust is the first element required to be able to do meaningful work together. My role is not to judge you. My belief is we all will face challenges, it’s part of the human experience. By removing judgements of ‘good’ or ‘bad’, ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, we can get to ‘what is.’ Getting curious about ‘what is’ shifts the perspective to allow something new to be discovered. Gaining awareness of not only ‘what is’ but more importantly ‘HOW’ you are in relation to what is and your relationships with others is one of the intentions of Gestalt.
Argue for your limitations and they will be yours
- Richard Bach
I am a Post - Graduate of The Gestalt Institute of Toronto Psychotherapy Training Program | http://gestalt.on.ca
My background as a Social Service Worker assisting families grieving from loss of a loved one from suicide or homicide gives me a unique sensitivity related to loss.
I have co-facilitated Women’s groups at the North York Women’s Centre and was a volunteer counsellor at the 519 Community Centre.ey will be s
I graduated the Social Service Worker program (Honor Role) and was the sole recipient of the Life Skills Coaching Award. Registered with the College of Social Workers & Social Service Workers.
As the Volunteer-Coordinator at the Distress Centre I trained new volunteers for the call centre. As a Counsellor for the Survivor Support Program I worked with families who lost loved ones to homicide or suicide.

Advocacy and Therapeutic work include:
Participant in two Standing Committee meetings in support of Open Adoption records in Ontario
Stakeholder participant of the Ministry of Youth & Child Services Review Board of open Adoption Records in Ontario
Keynote Speaker at the International Adoption Conference in New York City
Leading and Co-Leading adoption related workshops for those in the search and reunion process for; Children’s Aid Society, Jewish Family Services, Gestalt
Institute of Toronto, Adoption Support Kinship (ASK) and the New York City International Adoption Conference
Private practice Psychotherapy with adult ‘Adoptees’ and ‘Natural Mothers’for over a decade